How to Install Plesk Panel 10?

Installing via OS Template:

Important: Change your hostname first inside VPS Manager before reloading OS to something

Login to VPS Manager and reinstall OS, select template CentOS+Plesk, wait for 5
minutes and then access your server from http://YOUIP:8443

During Plesk first Admin login, you will be asked for basic configuration If you noticed another
IP other than what is assigned to your VPS ignore that because that is the IP of the VPS where
the template is created, just select your own IP the proceed.

Log a Ticket to Accounts department to obtain your Plesk license, it may take up to 24 hours for your license
to be issued to you. You may however activate  15 days trial license within the panel so you can start working
immediately while waiting for your license.

Manually Installing Plesk

# mkdir /root/plesk
# cd /root/plesk

32-bit CentOS

64-bit CentOS

# chmod +x plesk_auto_installer_file_name

Run the installer

Once Installed:
To complete the system configuration, please proceed to URL:


use the login name 'root' and your superuser password.

Further, use the following commands to start and stop Plesk:

"/etc/init.d/psa start" and

"/etc/init.d/psa stop" respectively.

All Plesk control panel documentation is available at

set up a new administrator's password for the Panel, issue the following command:

On Linux/Unix systems:

# PSA_PASSWORD= /usr/local/psa/bin/init_conf --set-admin-password -passwd

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